Mastering CyberScout: Spartan Forge's Knowledge Powerhouse

Mastering CyberScout: Spartan Forge's Knowledge Powerhouse

Imagine having a hunting mentor at your disposal 24/7. We’ve all been there, waking up at 2 am wondering what the hell our target buck is doing and why. A cold front is coming in, will he be in front of the stand tomorrow? Which stand? Or will it be too late? It's late October, he still needs to eat, but what will he be eating and how often? 

Most of your hunting buddies are either sleeping or up at the same time thinking the same thing. Either way it would be “impolite” to give them a ring that late asking for a deer therapy session. That's where CyberScout comes in…

What is CyberScout?

Spartan Forge is your personal expert for all things outdoors. It is essentially a super capable natural language model that is meant to inform you while mimicking the conversational style of a real person. No ads, no biases, no bullshit. How is it different from a common search engine? It is a large language model that prioritizes and draws from trusted sources. We’ve input scientific and collegiate studies for it to reference as well as state game agency papers and articles.

This means when you ask a question like, “What do deer eat in Late September in SE Ohio?”, you get an answer that draws from actual peer-reviewed studies and other trusted sources. This isn’t just limited to hunting either. It is your guide to everything in the great outdoors; survival, bushcraft, fishing, firearms, archery, reading terrain, animal sign, hiking, land management, gear advice, and just about any other outdoor activity you can think of. 

How To Use CyberScout and Get the Most Out of it

 “Ask me Something…”

CyberScout can be a little intimidating at first. What do you ask it? While there is no limit to what you can ask it, it will always try to keep you on the topic of the great outdoors. Now that you know what subjects CyberScout is trained in, let's dive into how to get the most out of it.

How it Works

You should not expect a simple question and answer when using CyberScout. It should be looked at as a conversation to dive deeper into anything you ask it. While you may get the answer you are looking for in the first response, the deeper you go the more thorough your answer will be. 

Once you ask CyberScout a question, it will dial into that subject and build on it until you close it. So there is no need to continually bring up details for the conversation. If in your first query you mention that you are planning on hunting high country mule deer in early season Colorado, and later you ask what you should pack. It will know that you are still referring to that hunt, unless you state otherwise.  Closing and reopening CyberScout will give you a fresh start. 

Ask Specific Questions

Asking a simple question will get you a pretty vague answer. The more detailed you get the better. For example, if you are wanting to set up an arrow for a long bow simply asking, “How do I set up an arrow for longbow,” will not give you much. Instead, get more specific and say something like, “How do I set up an arrow for a 56-inch 50# longbow with a 29 inch draw.”

If you are asking for advice on a specific hunt, mentioning the specific season and weapon type you plan to use will yield much better results. 

Your Experience Level

“Talk to me like I’ve never done this before.” Adding statements like this will tailor the answer to be as basic or complex as you want it to be. This will ensure no answer will be above your head if you are new to whatever subject you are researching and will cut the fluff out for the experienced guy.

Additional Tips for Using CyberScout

If you ask CyberScout a question that results in a list of objects, it is extremely easy to get it to dive in deeper. Pick the item or number you want to know more about and type something along the lines of “Expand more on number 5” or “Tell me more about XYZ.” 


Every state’s wildlife regulations have been input into CyberScout so that when you ask about rules and regulations, it will be pulled right from the source. Since this is state specific, make sure to reference the state and species that you are looking for information on. For example, a good question would be, “When does deer rifle season open up in PA?” This will show you a list of dates and their associated units, as well as a link to the current state's regulations.

Spartan Forge Synergy

CyberScout works in tandem with Spartan Forge in more ways than one. Not only is it there for you as you are e-scouting on your desktop, but when relevant, it will tell you about certain Spartan Forge mapping tools that may help you in relation to the subject you are actively talking about.

For example, if you are asking about something regarding deer movement and clear cuts, it may point you to LIDAR as an option for finding old logging roads. Or how to use slope angle to identify benches and points. Additionally, you can ask how to use some of the Spartan Forge tools to their full capabilities. It will explain what the AI Deer Prediction model is and how it can help you make decisions in the woods. 

In the near future, it will work directly with the map. So you will be able to ask it to show you a leeward ridge in your area or to identify a possible thermal hub.


Now that you have a better idea of how to get the most out of CyberScout, get out there and use it! Ask it questions and take that newly gained knowledge into the field and apply it. Whether it's preparing for your next hike, planning a hunting trip, or fine-tuning your fishing technique, CyberScout is there with a quiver full of tips, facts, and guidance to ensure your experiences are as rich and rewarding as the landscapes we cherish.

Great Example Questions:

What do deer eat in late October in the mountains of West Virginia?

It is an overcast day with light rain, what will a turkey’s daily movement look like?

I am going on my first archery elk hunt this year, how should I change my arrow setup from whitetail?

How do I make a natural water filter?

What is the best way to make a long bow quieter?

What are some natural firestarters in NE Maine?

Written by Kurt Martonik

Kurt is a researcher at Spartan Forge and avid outdoorsman. He flew as Boom Operator in the USAF for just shy of 7 years and following his service attended gunsmithing school at the Colorado School of Trades. After graduating there he moved to Montana and was a stockmaker/gunsmith for C. Sharps Arms. He currently resides in his home state of Pennsylvania and operates his gunsmithing shop, Highland Custom LLC on the side.