Bill Thompson

Bill Thompson is a retired Chief Warrant Officer 4 with a history of working in the government’s most technologically advanced specialized units and organizations, including a job as a Cyber Network Operations advisor and program evaluator at DARPA. Bill is responsible for contributing to many of the advancements in AI, Signals, and Human Intelligence, which led to many successful operations involving the capturing and killing of terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, and the Southern Philippines.

Bill utilized that same tech prowess to create software that allows big and small game tracking with advanced planning, mapping, and AI for hunters. In the military, Bill’s roles held a singular and enduring mission: to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security. By harnessing innovators inside and outside government, Bill has delivered on that mission and remains a champion for America’s national security and defense communities.

What is Spartan Forge?

The targeting cycle used in Iraq was called “Find, Fix, Finish” or F3 for short, this cycle soon evolved into F3EAD or "Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze, and Disseminate".

At Spartan Forge, our goal is to automate that intelligence collection process as much as possible.  We want to draw meaningful conclusions within the context of “Find, Fix, Finish” to help the hunter meet their deer harvest goals whatever they may be. Whether you are scouting, planning or executing the hunt, start a targeting cycle with Spartan Forge and engineer the pursuit.


At Spartan Forge, our goal is to automate the intelligence collection process as much as possible. We want to draw meaningful conclusions within the context of “Find, Fix, Finish” to help the hunter meet their deer harvest goals, whatever they may be.



When it comes to data collection and analysis, the larger the sample set the better. At Spartan Forge, we have partnered with folks who have been gathering deer collared data for years and used that data to build the most robust neural network ever created for deer movement.



When it comes to hunting, we can over analyze ourselves into rabbit holes. Utilizing Spartan Forge to quickly check weather, deer predictions and mapping tools will shorten your thinking cycles and give you the confidence to pick the tree that's best for that day.